
Massage is a hands-on modality that incorporates many different massage techniques to treat and prevent pain and injury.

Specific techniques used include deep tissue release, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and joint mobilisation.

Massage Therapist

Steffi studied Remedial Massage, Relaxation and Swedish Massage, Lomi Lomi (Hawaiian Massage), Reflexology as well as Reiki. She has a gentle and holistic approach in her treatments and adapts her massage to the individual needs of each client. She enjoys working with all different age groups, from the young child to the elderly as well as pregnant woman.

Meet Steffi

Massage Therapist

Kushi's unique deep tissue treatments combine Shiatsu and Hawaiian massage with Myofascial Release and Trigger Point work. For optimal results, Kushi works with the breath and the fascia whilst targeting tight, problematic muscles. Fascia is the complex network of tissue that surrounds & connects our muscles, bones, nerves & organs. Working this tissue creates space for movement and encourages tense muscles to release. Perfect for pain relief, improving range of motion and moving stagnant energy, a Kushi Massage is guaranteed to leave you feeling relaxed, relieved, restored and rejuvenated.

Meet Kushi

Massage Therapist

Meet Andrea

Massage Therapist

Meet Laura

Massage Therapist

Meet Olivia