Allied Health
Bowen therapy, also called Bowenwork or Bowtech, is a form of bodywork. It involves gently stretching the fascia — the soft tissue that covers all your muscles and organs — to promote pain relief.
Specifically, this form of therapy uses precise and gentle, rolling hand movements. These motions focus on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, along with the fascia and skin around them. The idea is to reduce pain by stimulating the nervous system.
Bowen Theapist
Several years ago, my interest in Bowen Therapy started because conventional treatments gave me no relief from pain in my lower back. I came across Bowen therapy and was surprised by the relief from tension during my first treatment. Already having a passion for health and well-being, I decided to become qualified in Bowen Therapy, which was complementary to my existing healing modalities. I gained my knowledge through Bowtech, which was founded by Ossie and Elaine Rentsch. This training is recognised worldwide as the original technique taught by Tom Bowen.
Some other modalities I have studied and practice include; energy healing, meditation, light therapy, esoteric acupuncture, cupping, gua sha.
I’m a passionate healer with an alternative approach, and I’m dedicated to helping my clients move through a range of transitions in the most efficient and transformative way possible.